2024 Executive Committee Election
See candidates below
Important reminder: Only one person per SSIA member organization can vote for the Executive Committee. This person is designated as the "primary contact" in your member record on the ssia.us. If you are not sure who the primary contact is for your organization, reach out to galen@ssia.us with any questions. To learn more about the Executive Committee, its members and function click HERE.
Scroll down to learn more or click on a candidate:
Sal Farruggia |
Nash Hartel |
Danny Lefebvre |
Marc Tucci |
Pedro Garcia |
Eric Grady |
Trevor Hall |
Greg Mitrik |
Ashton Zach |
Sal Farruggia | Owner | LI Kick
Years in the Industry: 11
Current EC Position: EOS Leader
Why am I re-running for the EC? In my first year on the EC I organized the first EOS cohort group (Entrepreneurial Operating System). The training program taught tools to help clubs clarify their vision, issues, processes- and ultimately gain traction so they can accomplish more. This is a training I'd like to bring to more clubs in 2024- and something I see that the SSIA should be doing to help it's clubs grow.
In 2024 I'd also like to produce materials which make it crystal clear to prospective members what the SSIA is and why they should be joining it.
In additional to my work on the EC, other work I've done in service of the SSIA includes the travel-companion podcast, I've lead seminars at the conference, and have led knowledge shares on the quarterly calls.
Nash Hartel | National Sponsorship Director | Chicago SSC
Current EC Position: DEI Subcommittee Chair
Any new initiatives you would like to start?:
I plan to continue to work on the Sponsorship Committee and continue to help with the following:
- Sponsorship Marketing Association educational learning initiatives
- Sponsorship valuations for the different tiers of our member clubs
- Organizing and helping get members of the SSIA to attend the Sponsorship Mastery Summit Oct 2-4 and to also showcase the SSIA at the Sponsorship Mastery Summit conference to other industries and brands
I plan to collaborate with my fellow DEI committee members on some cool initiatives such as
- Data collection and structuring the key learnings based of those results
- Additionally, the DEI committee is working on reaching out to technology platform organizations to help be more inclusive with letters to ownership of said companies.
I’d also like to take a bigger role in Conference planning!! Historically, I have been part of bringing several speakers to the conference and will continue to help with that AND I’d also like to help bring the FUN factor and professionalism as it relates to the Social Star Awards!
Why am I re-running for the EC? Making the social sports industry stronger is my goal and the best way I can think of doing that is by serving on the EC. I want to create space for people to learn and grow and in full transparency, it also is a place for me to do that too! My mission is to champion our members’ voices and welcome collaborative conversations about how we can grow our industry. I have served in the industry for 6 years and have been doing events and/or sponsorship work for 15+ years! I advocate for what I believe in and put the work in. I love to connect with fellow SSIA members so please reach out and let me know if you have any questions or just want to chat!
Danny Lefebvre | President/CSO | TRI SPORTS
Years in the Industry: 23
Current EC Position: Events Subcommittee Co-Chair
Any new initiatives you would like to start? Explore the possibility of an All-SSIA kickball tournament. Develop a program for developing regular turnkey social media content that clubs can use on their own sites.
Why am I re-running for the EC? My 1st year on the EC was a great experience and I had a blast helping to organize the annual conference. I look forward to many more, if you'll have me. I'd like to use my 2nd term to dive deep into exploring the feasibility (& execution?) of an All-SSIA Kickball Tournament to be played the weekend before our Vegas conference in February. Additionally, I'd like to see if we can develop a program to provide regular turnkey social media content for SSIA clubs to re-post to their own sites, if they believe it will engage their players. You all have a lot on your plates and not enough clubs have the bandwidth/staff to create consistent, engaging content. If the SSIA can provide it's members with event programming and engaging marketing content for their players, with minimal-to-no effort required by the club, itself, that sounds great to me.
Marc Tucci | CEO | Austin Sports & Social Club
Years in the Industry: 19
Current EC Position: Member Relations Chair
Any new initiatives you would like to start? Working to further the role of member relations
Why am I re-running for the EC? This year's conference was amazing to see how many new faces were in the room, and that number is sure to grow for Vegas. As our organization's grow and evolve, I want to ensure these newer employees (and our future ones) can become a meaningful part of the SSIA, regardless of whether they attended the conference. My goal is to create opportunities, throughout the year and at the next conference, for non-owners to get involved. If we can find easy ways for our employees to meet and engage with individuals from other organizations, who hold a similar position, it will strengthen that individual and the future of the Association.
Pedro Garcia | Director of Operations | Houston Sports & Social Club
EC Area of Interest: Leadership, Events, Member Relations & Sponsorship Subcommittee
Any new initiatives you would like to start? I would like to analyze the equipment suppliers program to strengthen existing relationships and to develop new supplier relationships.
Why am I running for the EC? I am running for the EC to help bring a seasoned perspective as a non owner but a decision maker at Houston Sports & Social Club. I would like to analyze the equipment suppliers program to strengthen existing relationships and to develop new supplier relationships. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
Eric Grady | Director of Venues & Entertainment | Volo Sports
Years in the Industry: 2
EC Area of Interest: Events, Sponsorship, Marketing, DEI & Members Relations Subcommittees
Any new initiatives you would like to start? I'd like to initiate more year-round club collaboration and learning/development. Focus on helping all organizations reach new audiences, Gen Z, LGBTQ+, Etc. Create more scholarship opportunities for the annual conference to allow smaller organizations to be able to attend.
Why am I running for the EC? I have enjoyed every minute of learning, networking, and collaborating, and I feel as if I will be able to bring a fresh set of eyes and ideas to the SSIA Board. I’ve attended two annual conferences and was part of the SSIA delegation to the Sponsorship Master Summit last fall in Chicago. I’m currently an active member of both the DEI and the sponsorship, and I am ready to take my skills and passion to the next level by joining the Executive Committee.
As a board member, I would strengthen the SSIA by inviting new organizations and clubs to participate through my current and growing network. I would focus on supporting all organizations, big and small, on learning and development and creating more avenues for mid-year collaborations.
Thank you for considering me; I look forward to earning your support.
Trevor Hall | Owner| JaxSport
EC Area of Interest: Events Subcommittee
Why am I running for the EC? Well, I believe in the soul, the (yada yada yada), the small of a woman’s back, the hanging curveball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather that Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
Louis Hodgetts | Founder | Game On VT

Years in the Industry: 15
EC Area of Interest: Leadership & Subcommittee
Any new initiatives you would like to start? Expand knowledge share and collaboration opportunities
Why am I running for the EC? I am excited to once again run for the EC. I look forward to continuing the work I started as a former Secretary of the SSIA to expand knowledge share, collaboration opportunities, and growth within the association.
Over the years I have visited and collaborated with several clubs. The knowledge and alternative perspectives gained through sharing information has been indispensable to my growth both personally and professionally.
As the owner of a small tier and small market club I have often brought a different perspective from the tier 2 and tier 3 members on the EC. I have been a vocal advocate for expanding our membership and developing new points of entry for small clubs to join and contribute. I will continue to advocated for a SSIA resource library, training guides, and a database of service providers who have proven track record working with clubs in the association.
I look forward to working with the other EC members to bring more value to all members of the SSIA.
Greg Mitrik | Director | Pittsburgh Sports League
Years in the Industry: 14
EC Area of Interest: DEI Subcomittee
Any new initiatives you would like to start? An SSIA Strategic Plan.
Why am I running for the EC?The Pittsburgh Sports League is a unique member of the SSIA in that it is a program of a larger non-profit organization, PUMP. PUMP is a membership organization rooted in advocacy efforts with a mission to make Pittsburgh the most dynamic and diverse place by engaging, educating, and mobilizing all young people to create change in our community. As the PSL Director, I have over 13 years of experience working for an organization that uses their sports league as a vehicle to have an impact on the City of Pittsburgh.
My experience goes well beyond the number of games, teams, and sports offered to allow me to bring a different set of skills to the industry. Having served on the SSIA Executive Committee for a year previously and working with a Board of Directors at PUMP, I already have the experience needed to jump in and make an immediate impact. In 2023, I took part in a Strategic Roadmap process, my second at PUMP, in which my organization worked with our community and stakeholders to discover what initiatives we can be working on to further improve our city. If elected, I plan to use what I have learned from these processes and apply them directly towards my role on the SSIA Executive Committee. Our world and the work we do within it is ever-changing and I would welcome the opportunity to lead in this area for our industry. I feel that meeting these moments of change, through organizational strategic planning or industry leading DEI efforts, makes me a great candidate for the Executive Committee.
Ashton Zach | Digital Media Manager | Austin Sports & Social Club
Years in the Industry: 10
EC Area of Interest: Marketing Subcommittee
Why am I running for the EC? Having been in the industry for almost 10 years now, I would like to get more involved industry-wide as opposed to just within my own club. I'd love to help expand our marketing efforts to both players looking for clubs and clubs who are not yet members of SSIA. I've loved being a member of the Marketing Subcommittee the past few years and hope to take on even more responsibility!