Executive Committee Info
Learn about the Executive Committee and how to join!
Who we are:
The Executive Committee (EC) is our group of industry leaders that are voted on by SSIA Members. They are a representative group that meets regularly to make decisions and drive the industry forward. The current positions are listed below with descriptions. The EC is always evolving and new initiatives/subcommittees are being discussed all the time. The next election will be held in April of 2024. You can see the current candidates HERE
Positions & Current EC Members:
President - Kevin Cregan
Vice President - Ian Elston
Treasurer - Chris Hastings
Secretary - Delaney Entrop
Events Subcommittee Chair - Felix Goodson and Danny Lefebvre
Sponsorship Subcommittee Chair - Justin Jacobs
Marketing Subcommittee Chair - Omid Rafiei
DEI Subcommittee - Nash Hartel
Member Relations Chair - Marc Tucci
Members at Large - Sal Farruggia (driving EOS initiative)
Time commitment and terms:
The SSIA meets every month for an hour. We use this time to review progress since the last meeting and make any necessary decisions to drive the industry forward. The EC also meets in person twice a year. Once at the EC retreat (typically 2-3 day commitment, travel/lodging covered) and another time prior to the annual conference. Terms for EC members are 2 years, with the goal to open up about half the available positions each year (odd and even election years).
More detail on each position
President - acts as the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation and has general supervision, direction, and control of the activities and Officers of the corporation. The President position will be a 2 year term and this person must serve on the EC in general for 1 year before being eligible to become President. Upon completion of the term as President this person will leave the EC and is not eligible for election to the EC for a 1 year period.
Vice President - In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President will be responsible for performing all the duties of the President. The VP also manages most membership related topics and projects.
Secretary - supports the minutes and order of all meetings. The Secretary position can go unfilled and the duties of the Secretary position can be carried out by association staff.
Treasurer - acts as the Chief Financial Officer of the corporation, driving financial strategy, planning and operations.
Marketing/PR Chair - The Marketing/PR Chair will be responsible for the corporation’s external facing communication to ensure the quality, integrity, credibility and reach of the SSIA brand. They will oversee the SSIA website, public facebook page and any other marketing communications.
Sponsorship Chair - oversees, coordinates and increases all efforts being conducted by and for the SSIA in its revenue generating endeavors such as advertising and sponsorship.
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Chair - The goal of the DEI Committee is to elevate and facilitate ongoing and continuing efforts to build a culture and environment of mutual respect. DEI will aim to set best practices, policies, shared resources, and a safe space to check blind spots as it relates to creating inclusive, equitable, and diverse messaging and activities for the Social Sports industry members and participants. As an industry, we want to be leaders in inclusion, equity and diversity practices.
Events Chair - will oversee, coordinate and increase all efforts being conducted by and for the SSIA in regards to events, tournaments, social functions including multiple association industry members.
Grievance Chair (Member Relations) - has the authority to suggest permanent as well as temporary additions and removals from the committee to be voted on by the EC as a whole. The Grievance Committee is to be responsible for investigating formal member complaints and grievances against other members, sponsors, or partners. Recommendations for resolutions resulting from these investigations will be made to the EC as a whole for action.
How the Vote works
Election Structure and Rules
The goal of the EC is to hold an election each year for about half of the total seats to encourage new people, passion and energy on the board. This year, there are 5 open spots available on the EC. This means each member organization gets 5 total votes (please identify one person to vote for your business).
All voting will be held privately, so you will not be able to see the votes of others and no one (with the exception of the Executive Staff, Galen Beers who is non-voting) will have access to see your votes.
Vote tallying and Weights
Votes will be weighted in order to appropriately consider the contribution and understanding of the EC.
• SSIA Members with a current EC seat - 3x (so each vote will count as 3)
• SSIA Members without a current EC representative - 2x (so each vote will count as 2)
This means that of the total votes, SSIA members with current EC seats will control about one quarter of the votes. If there is more than 1 person from a member organization on the EC, only one set of votes will be allowed/weighted from that organization. Once votes are tallied, the new EC will be announced and the first order of business will be to join the next Monthly EC call (Thursday May 2nd at 11am PT).
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EC Meeting Minutes