October 2024
Roll Call
- Chris - X
- Danny - X
- Delaney - X
- Felix
- Ian - Milton
- Justin - X
- Kevin - X
- Marc - X
- Louis - Conference
- Sal - X
Approve Minutes - September Minutes Draft
- Officer/Committee updates
- Pres - Kevin
- All Hands Call 10/15 (SMA study review)
- EC Member Resignation
- Treas - Stix
- Sec - Delaney
- Additional EC Retreat Notes/Items - Follow Up
- Member Relations - Marc
- Events - Chris G/Felix/Danny
- Conference Launch (Agenda/Seminars/Keynote)
- Registration Launched Yesterday
- Whova App Launched
- Social Star
- Sponsorship - Justin
- Sponsorship study next steps
- Formula being used for a lab (and calculator/tool),
- Thrive together to be covered but in a limited fashion
- Email to Paula to get pre-read
- Sponsorship service - SponsorCX
- Sponsorship study next steps
- DEI Update
- DEI Updates - will connect with Nash and provide update to board
- Marketing - Louis/Ian
- Marketing Webinar/Seminar (October?) - Galen will follow up
- EOS - Sal
- EOS Update - preview call on Monday (12 people)
- Firm Commitments from 3 Members
- Oct 21 kickoff
- ED - Galen
- Member Update
- Customer Service Champions
- Newsletter
- Staffing
- Staffing Committee
- Sal/Ian/Nash - Job Description Produced
- Sal/Delaney/Galen - unresolved questions around the role
- Job duties - Who and how is this determined
- PerformanceReporting structure
- Sal to share job description
- Pres - Kevin