JAM Holiday Secret Santa

At JAM, culture is key. We work hard to prioritize our team and workPLAYce culture and we have no shortage of initiatives including a Mayor, JAM House teams, our onboarding, loyalty & recognition programs like our shoutout channel, top shelf teammate, core value awards and more. This SSIA nomination is focused on one of our internal social /wellness programs - our Holiday Secret Santa.

We recognize that the holidays can be an expensive time of year for everyone so we launched a Secret Santa program that encourages our team to MAKE something thoughtful for their Secret Santa instead of spending money, and at our Holiday Potluck lunch, with some folks in-person in the Toronto head office and others calling in virtually, we all take 1 minute to present our gifts. The creativity is awesome and hilarious - often seeing unique artwork, a unique song, a funny powerpoint or a special game. The results are always super thoughtful and creative and our team enjoys a lot of laughs and no one has spent a dime.

The video below is an example of the Secret Santa gift that Kristi created for Nurissa (our head of People & Culture) in Dec 2023 - as Nurissa is a huge Backstreet boys fan. Kristi recruited some other BSB fans to act as back up dancers, and re-wrote lyrics singing a song about Nurissa - and creating a ridiculous video that Nurissa loved and the JAM team got a lot of laughs from. Photos show others on the team presenting their homemade gifts at our Secret Santa Potluck lunch